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  • Nice to see u Joyce. :like: Hope u had a wonderful holiday. Just popping in for a sec and wanted to say hi. Maybe I will have time to come back later. Back to work for now though....:ohwell:

    Anything new? :secret:
    I cured a life long lip biting habit once I discovered I love lemons. LOL well dang if I didn't bite a hole in my lip this week with everything going on with me and omg I can't eat any LEMONS now...I'm having severe withdrawls :rofl: I take that back I've still been trying to eat them but OUCH!
    Usually I don't have anything good here, but when I buy-I buy big! :third:
    :rofl: That's what we need, more calories. I just completed my mission of emptying out the whole container. :first:
    Np problem, they are light ice cream though. I have rocky road, cookie dough, french silk, cookies and cream and :noidea: I forgot the other:o
    I heard that ice cream was on sale, and when I got to the store-I saw that the sizes are now made smaller. :(
    :) Heck no, chocolate with chocolate sandwich pieces :marshmallow: Edy's light, cookies'n dreamz
    LOL If you came over I would have plenty for the both us here. Which reminds me, I need to get those out of the house. :(
    On July 8th I will have been a member on Spoofee for 1 yr. and I almost have 1000 posts, cool beans. It's been so much fun talking with all you gals, feel like I know ya all. I posted this here since everyone writes on your wall.
    Your reps are worth 9pts. ? I guess I'm not understanding the system. Is there a way to read about it? xxxoo Ina
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