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  • I hope that your son is feeling better, :worry: and I'm thrilled we got our fox back again. :teeth: Have a great night and I will see you soon. :kiss:
    I just wanted to say hello and goodbye, I'm going to get ready for bed. :hug:
    Here's what I got back from BuzzAgent about putting Spoofee in the FrogPond>
    Guess we'll have to keep our fingers and toes crossed! LOL LOL

    Hi BzzAgent!

    Thanks for your Frogpond suggestion. We’ll take a look at the site and see if we can add it as a Frog sometime soon. Keep checking the Frogpond—you never know when your recommendation might jump in as your favorite green amphibian. Ribbit, ribbit!
    Good morning, Joyce! I thought I was gonna have to send out Spoofee Search Team to come looking for you. LOL How is your son? Hope he is better!

    p.s. I don't blame you for being scared to try the Nads wax, let's just say we are both chickens. LOL LOL LOL
    LOL Wow, they are psycho to the max!! :eek: LOL LOL There's no way that I'm going to leave now!!! :woot: :dancing: LOL I hope that everything goes okay at the dr's office. :hug: See ya later, sis & thanks again for your undying support! :hug: :kiss:
    That thread had like 900 views, so they must be rolling in the dough!
    And we don't even get a freebie out of it! It was just a mail-in offer! LOL
    Oh yeah there was repost with those referral links yesterday, I reported it and they were changed and then this post from the other day got bumped up! I'm just like screaming in my head!
    That's if they decide to put them in the frogpond. I submitted on Sat., it said they will look into it and that they don't put all the sites that are suggested.
    But,yeah I would love to see them put them in. They are definately worthy.
    Maybe we get more BuzzAgents in there to suggest Spoofee also! LOL
    Our addictive behavior for Spoofee here is in a good way though!
    I even suggested Spoofee for the Frogpond on BuzzAgent, now that is
    Addictive Behavior. Everyone should be Addicted to Spoofee and will be! LOL LOL
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