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  • Yeah, summer colds are the worst. It's probably from crazy weather patterns.
    But I'm so glad your back, it just isn't the same without our Joyce on here everyday!! LOL
    Are you still here? I hope that your son is feeling alright, what's wrong with him?
    HI, good morning. How are you doing? We need to have a chat-I hope that I can catch you later..............:(
    Well, I imagine the worst punishment for those people is that they have to live w/ their miserable selfs!! :claps: There are so many nice people on here, it's a shame that one or two bad apples have to spoil the whole bunch!! :28:
    :wave: Hi, Joyce! :hug: Thanks, tell your hubby the same. :rose: I just sent you a's a shame that some people are so evil!!! But you know what, that's what makes us better--cannot believe the bitterness & depravity of some people!! Oh well, you know the old sayiing--what comes around goes around, karma will catch up w/ them sooner or later!! Sorry about that, it's just so sad!!! I actually feel sorry for them!!! Love you! :hug: :kiss:
    :wave: Hey there, sis! :hug: I know how you feel about the sleep thing.....I don't think I've ever been on track w/ my sleep!! LOL LOL I hope that you are feeling better! :) Hope to see you later!! :kiss:
    Hi Joyce, sorry I missed you again :doh:. I hope that you are back to yourself really soon :hug:
    I hope that you are feeling better, thanks for checking in and letting me know that you are back. :hug:
    Okay sweetie! :hug: :kiss: Make sure you get plenty of rest & drink plenty of fluids..........I sound like your mom, don't I?!! LOL LOL You better be on here tomorrow or else....... :cussing: :rant: :p I'm just teasing you, I'll see you soon & take care of yourself! :60:
    LOL LOL Yeah, now I know how you felt when I was away! :verysad: Summer colds are miserable!! :( I know how you feel because I suffer from seasonal allergies and get colds quite frequently..........definitely not fun!! :28: LOL I'll let you go & you can get back to me after you catch up. ;) Love ya and am extremely happy and relieved that you are back! :dancing: :woot:
    OMG Joyce, I have been so worried about you!!!! :verysad: I'm sorry that you were sick, but so happy that you feel better!! :woot: :dancing: I can't tell you how happy I am to see you!! :hug: Don't worry me like that!!! :rant: ;) I guess I deserve to be paid back for the times that I have been "MIA"!! LOL LOL Love you!! :hug: :kiss:
    Hi Joyce! Hope u are having a great weekend! I was just thinking about u--& noticing that you weren't pulling the night shift with me!! :yawn: See u soon :hug:
    Joyce, I miss you! You weren't around last night and you're not around today. It's not the same without you :(
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