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  • :)Hey, Joyce. I just wanted to tell you how jealous I am of you because you now know how to post pictures. Guess I had better get to practicing since I am missing out on all the fun in the games section. Hope you are doing well, Apple:hug:
    The General has just been placed in his play pen for the night. Phew...worse than six kids running around! I am still under the weather myself...trip did me in me thinks. Heading off to bed with my electric blankie....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Sleep well.
    Hi know, a few folks have left me notes, and when I replied, I could not see what the hell I was typing on to what color?!?! Truth be told, I have really sensitive eyes, and with my bifocals, things go out of focus on the screen. Shoot you have what color you want and enjoy it! I will muddle on through! Just came in from shopping and having my free cup of coffee at Barnes and Noble. Time to walk the General, he is out there barking at the kids on bikes!
    I'm tellin' ya...I've been SO busy. I'm so glad school is almost over! I have missed the crazies! :hahaha: :lock:
    Hi Joyce! :wave:

    How are things in your world? :spy:
    Things are looking brighter today ~ no work on Friday helped!

    What the hell, there is mulberry juice still spattered on your screen?!?! Okay, I will come back when it turns itself to seasonal orange, gold, or red! LOL LOL Have a good one......
    One night I was putting Kadin to bed and when I leaned down to hug him he held on to me and said "Mama, let's stay like this forever!" My heart completed melted!
    Awwww!!!! SNIFF!!!! I think Kadin will be like that....Mama's boy....maybe Kes too....I dont mind!
    No not really, unless his toothers are bothering him. Although he woke up at 4 the other morning - he was cold and wanted to snuggle with his Mama :like:
    Me too, because Sat I can get up with Kes and then go back to bed when he falls back asleep! :sleep: LOL
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