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  • Hey buddy! I haven't been too concerned because I've been thinkin that you're just too busy w/ Holiday deal hunting but you haven't been here in 2 weeks???! We all do miss you and hope you are OK. Lots of hugs - and I'll email chicken soup if necessary! :)
    Lord, where are you?? I checked my milk carton for your picture this morning!! Your gentle, happy spirit is missing here at Spoofee~it doesn't feel the same without you! Hope all is well and peaceful.~Susanne
    Hey Joyce!!!!!!!!! its me prettylady? remeber me? LOL

    Hi hunny!!!!

    Hey hunny!!! jus a quick check in, hope all is well with un the family.

    Im ok, jus busy with school I have anatomy and physiology 2 n 3 right now and its takin all my time!!!!!
    Okay lady...fork over the coupons in your purse and the eldest son gets to stay with the family!!! LOL LOL Hey you okay, where ya been? You eating cake?!?! Did this purple glop finally suck you into the screen?!?! Okay, gimme your hand, and, I will pull you outta of it! LOL Hope all is well with you and all the family, have a great weekend! Rags and Jeb who is demanding candy
    Hi joyce! Hope things are okay with u. I notice u haven't been on in over a week. I am getting worried about u! We miss u....... :(

    Hope things are going well--:like:
    Hey Sis, I finally got back on, now I installed a Linux OS - Freespire and I kind of like it better :typing: than Windows :smash:, and it's safer I hope! Well I'll talk to ya later, miss ya! :hug:
    Hi Joyce! :wave:
    I might be putting the 'plan' into action soon :spy: I will be going to see the :angel: Not sure if :alien: is needed or not. My son is willing to let me take the :boy: for 5 days but dil is undecided :decision:

    Hi joyce!!!!!! Im here where r u?:cry:

    well i hope u n ur family r doin well!!! Miss u!!!!!
    Thanks for your condolences... I don't know how often I'll be on here as I'm staying w/my grandpa in PA for a few weeks. We just got the internet here yesterday.
    Hey ms joyce!!!!! I passed my finals!!!!!! 100 on both!!! Now im lookin for my freebies!!! Lol miss u much!!! How u been doin?
    We're in the same boat i guess just got back form voting with my free starbucks coffee. lol :ranger: :usa:
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