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  • Come and be my assistant....I cant do all of this!!!!! First, pick me up a grande mocha latte and schedule a full body massage!
    Where did you possibly find that pizza box photo??? Too funny. And weird!! LOL
    I still don't know how to post a photo but I haven't really spent much time trying either. I am envious of you! :claps:Have a great day, Joyce. Apple:hug:
    Hey, Joyce. Just checking in with you to see how your Dad is feeling. Hope all is well over your way. Thinking about you...Apple:like:
    We do miss you when you disappear, but I understand. Life gets so busy sometimes. Are you the official cook for Thanksgiving? I'm taking the easy way out and letting someone else do the work this year. lol

    Thanks for the flowers. Just lovely. :claps:
    Awww sorry 2 hear about ur Dad Hunny..... Hope He gets well soon!!! Im sendin u a big hug (((((Joyce n Joyce's Dad)))))

    mmuuuaahhh!!!! n thanks for the compliment u made my day!!!!
    I just got the email so I am off to read the same! LOL Who knows what is up with those morons at Toad Net. May be time for a new ISP if this folly continues! Rags
    Hey Apple! My dad was sick, but hopefully things will get better. I missed you lots and I'm ready to kick your butt in scramble!
    And what exactly is SCRAMBLE???? Something to do with eggs I hope cuz I am kinda hungry right about now!! Funny, I didn't catch that the first time around. I guess I was just so relieved you were back and safe that I didn't read it correctly. OK, let me go see what is going on in SCRABBLE!!! And we will see who will kick whose butt!!!!LOL
    I miss you too!:(Wishing you and you family(your father)-health!I hope to see you soon!
    Welcome back. I hope you have been on a cruise someplace warm or you were gone because you won the lottery
    Helloooo!! So glad to see you back again. It has not been the same without u. I am sorry to hear about your father being sick. Your family will be in our prayers. Keep me updated.
    Welcome back, Joyce. Boy, we sure do miss you when you are away. I hope your Dad is feeling better soon and that all turns out well. I know that my Dad is my heart - as most Dad's are to their little girls. And I am off to go have coffee with him right now! I'll say a prayer for you and your Dad. Glad to see you around again, Apple:like:
    You know what?
    I bet Joyce is on one of those reality TV shows. It is a study to see how long a person can go without the internet...:suspect: :convinced::ohwell:
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