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  • It's so easy the way photobucket has it. I will help you. :hug:

    Sorry to bother you while you were trying it.
    Tell you what, when those gloves go on, I will have to make sure that my watch and rings come back when I go up ! LOL LOL LOL
    I tell you what, I am so exhausted and confused that this purple blob is mocking me! I am slapping on gloves now, I refuse to be beaten by a cyber hemorrhoid!
    Well, I even put an ice pack up on the screen, but, it is still there! Did this thing have a baby lately? Should I check for stitches in the "gucci" area?!?!?
    Why am I looking at this huge purple hemorrhoid?!?! I even smeared Preparation H on my screen, and, the dam thing is still mocking me!
    Shoot...I am back in the big jar of GRAPE JELLY again and I can't get out! HELP ME!!! For the love God somebody HELP ME of this purple spot! I wouldn't know how to put up colors or pictures if someone promised me a million dollars. At least, you try! :)
    I "think" I am typing something on this purple spot but I will be damned if I can see anything coming up on it!!!! Lost it in my bifocals! LOL LOL LOL Or, I am just stupid and can't figure out where to type...anyway, hello back! LOL
    :first: I will get the bonus prize:marshmallow: I got to get going......Have a super day! :hug:
    Just stopping by to say "hi"! I've been so busy that I've hardly been on the computer. Hopefully, I can get back to my Spoofee life soon. Hope all is well with you and all my other Spoofee friends. Love, Pat
    Let's online window shop together! LOL How about
    Do you have a theme that you decorate with at Christmas?
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