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  • You either eat slow or that brownie is huge!!!! Pass one over here would ya?
    Where did you go? I have had 13 conversations, posted 20 times, peed and put clothes in the dryer and you are still no where to be found....
    WOW! I saw the Birthday graphic for kma. How did you figure that one out? AWESOME
    OMG!! Wait a minute, I just noticed your avatar! Precisely WHAT or WHO are you bouncing on?!?!?! LOL Holy crap, first the grape jelly, now I am in the middle of a porn flick! I need candy....
    Time to say "Good night Rags!" Okay..."Good night Rags!" LOL LOL Have a very restful night Joyce, nice to hear from you!
    Ouuu yeah!!! The babies were a bit small, but viable and active. She was a smoker, so read her the riot act and she promised to cut back. Had a few cute wee babes born and I could have eaten them up with spoons. Gotta love them there babies!
    That would be great:marshmallow: Next lesson will be to do grapics. that one can be alot more work.
    great job posting that picture. Some pictures are smaller than others, you never know till you paste them. :) :lock:
    On the trip one gal looked at me and in an Aussie accent states "Oh right, now there you go getting personal!" to which I replied "No honey, the guy that went up there and left you with twins got really, really personal!" LOL LOL LOL She was a real sweetie and we howled with her big belly bouncing on the exam table!
    Awesome, now go back and put something underneath your picture that you would like someone to post a picture of........................
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