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  • :wave: Hey dbee! :hug: Sorry about worrying you earlier, I am doing great now!! :dancing: :woot: :lock: They really need to get a life, what morons!! LOL LOL
    His sinuses are bothering him again and he also had a Summer cold.:( The doc wants to check him out before he calls in another prescription.
    I'll be around later, I have to take my son in to the doctor in a little while, but I hope to catch you on later. I must have just missed you. :hug:
    Hey Deb! :hug: I got up just for you! :proud: We have been missing each other and I knew that you would be on around this time. :like:
    hey dbee i know i havent been on much but my computer has been screwing up and i have had to send it in several times to gateway (know anyone that wants to buy a computer lol) Thanks for checking up on me though!!!
    Hey, dbee. Thanks for checking in with me but you didn't have to YELL!!! LOL! I am here but don't spend so much time online now that I could be outside instead. I worked so hard this past week in my yard to have my family over for Father's Day today and dang-it was freakin 57 degrees and overcast. Downright cold and misty. So we had a cook-in and nobody got to appreciate all my hard work efforts.
    :( I peeked at your photos and they are all so beautiful. Good work, Deb!
    :wave: Hey, Deb. Hope you are having a good day! :hug: It was a big, big relief to here from Joyce, she is an angel and I worry about her when she's not around! :worry: Hope to talk to you later and maybe play some games! :claps: Love ya! :hug:
    Hi, Deb! :hug: My sleep has been so off track since I have been sick and I'm trying to get back into the swing of things! :rant: I hope u are okay and hope to talk to you soon. :hug:
    Hey there, Deb! :hug: I was so relieved last night when Joyce logged on, I was worried about her! Now, if only all three of us could synchronize our visits on here.............LOL LOL Hope to see you soon!! :lock:

    :hug: :kiss:
    Hi, Deb! :) I'm sorry I worried you and Foxy, but I was sick. :( I missed you guys, too. :hug: :kiss: Thanks for being great friends and caring about me. :proud:
    :hug: Hi, dbee! I'm worried about Joyce, haven't seen her for a couple of days & hope she is okay! :worry: Do you have any idea where she could be?!? :worry: Hope to see you soon! :hug:
    Hi! I'm not that close to Short Hills Mall, but I go to my friend's house in Wayne -- and then she drives there. It's probably at least 30 min. from her house. We like that mall, however, and after all, we've got to give all of them a shot now and then. I'm about 10 min north of Paramus--right near the NYS Thruway in Mahwah. If I were to go to SHM from my house, I'd take the Garden State Parkway--and I think it'd take about 45 minutes. Gotta learn to use that darn navigation system that came with the car!
    Oh man! You've got the best page I've seen so far! Just stopping in to say "HI!" and thanks for my rep's!
    I have a ton of marigold seeds, black hollyhocks, morning glories and a few others. I will have to check it out and make a list.

    I am looking for pretty much anything! :) My favorites are lilies and anything easy to grow.
    :wave: Sorry about that, Deb! While I was pming you, had to take care of the baby for a bit cuz hubby had to do something. You should see those two together, what a wonderful sight!! :love:
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