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  • Hi, Deb! :wave: Hope you have a wonderful day and stay out of trouble (if that's possible)!! :eek: LOL LOL

    :hug: :kiss:
    Are you just trying to catch up on yard work like we are? It has been unbearably hot except in the early morning hours and late evening. Has been hitting mid to upper 90's which is unheard of around here. We're trying to trim trees and treat weeds at this point. We're also getting ready to build some more rooms onto our house...oh joy. It'll be nice when it's done, but deciding on who to go with and how to do it has been a royal pain. My husband's off though this entire week, which is nice for the simple fact that he has been able to deal with a lot of the issues. Have a great week. Stay cool!
    Good morning to you! So pleasant to have a nice note in my message box this morning. :) How was your weekend?
    I think I could even smell that flower. They really are gorgeous. I think that it's an art to grow roses. great job and thanks for the picture! :)
    Hey DBEE, the roses you saw are a HUGE bush of roses and while they are easy to grow and smell lovely, the darn petals fall off so easily, I swept them off my porch one day and they are back the next, LOL!! We had like high winds and tornado warnings here last week, and I could not believe it when I walked outside the next morning, there were twigs and rocks and sand and dirt blown everywhere but those FLIPPIN ROSE PETALS were still on my porch, LOL! Here is a picture of what they look like close up, hope this works, if not just follow the URL
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