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  • Glad to know you will always be my buddy but that last message just depressed me-and made me tired. Love the fall but there is so much work involved. And as my Dad was just saying to me, there will be even MORE leaves to rake/blow this year because we have had so much rain so there was extra growth. UGGGG!!! Oh well, happy to have a yard and all of its nature!!!
    Are you kidding me? No rain? We have gotten so much we have set records. But it was a beautiful day today.Looks like more showers coming up though. I can't believe how fast the summer is going by us. You won't be my GB for much longer. You will be my SB and that makes me sad. SB-as in sweater buddy. :(
    My DIL saw the doctor today. The doctor said that the baby is never coming. LOL She also said that she will most likely have to induce labor but not for 2 weeks after her due date of 8/15. I told my DIL to start doing jumping jacks!
    :rofl: :rofl: You are so silly, Deb! I just read what u posted in the off topics section, you :clown: :rofl: :rofl:
    In case anyone comes here and wants to know.................I miss FOX! :(
    That's wonderful. I hope that you get the news right after morning rush hour :rofl:
    My grandson is due anytime! This is my first grandchild & I am soooooo excited. They live 12 hours away... as soon as I get the call they are in the hospital ~ I am leaving. :driver:

    My things have been packed and in the car for 3 weeks!

    Go Army
    Yeah....I got what you meant...it was a "play on words", Thats the reason i said that....LOL
    we've had a lot of rain. Many days are very warm and nights very oool. Love your garden pix. do you do veggies too? We do both
    LOL I can't believe that you got me. I got tagged from prop. about 10 days ago. I sent it to ultimate.:rofl:

    You are so BUSTED! I found this on Sunni's profile thingy, and you thought tagging me was hilarious? :teeth: Well then Miss Friend, LOL, you got some payback coming, I don't know what it is, LOL, but when I figure it out :05::eyebrows::decision::jaw::rofl:
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