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  • Hi, GB. It's raincheck time. I'm about to pour me a wine. You ready??? My treat...Maybe Joyce is available too! :cocktail:
    Thanks..got my fingers, toes and anything else i can think of crossed.But hubby stated that if they close the bridges won't be til late morning! :*( I'll be leaving here about 745am! :*( so no way can i get out of getting there; but perhaps can get off early! I hope so! ;-)
    Ok no problem..I too am going to pass them off at walmart IF i ever receive a one of em! LOL! so far no luck! Maybe the wind will fly them over my way? Winds picking up here! only hope they close the bridges so i can take tomorrow off by using a vacation day! Not allowed to take same day vacation but in this case if and ONLY IF they close the bridges we can! The only way to get to the Southside of Jax from Middleburg is to take one of 4 bridges and if they close one they're going to close them all! Fingers crossed! LOL!
    Good Morning, my friend. I see you are up so I wanted to say hi before you take off for work-or play. Have a great day. Joyce and I are getting together for a birthday cocktail later. What time can you join us???? Wouldn't that be fun!!!!
    Nope not yet! Hoping to get some soon! A few other members sent me some too but haven't received a one! PM me your addy and i'll split them w/ you if they should ever arrive! LOL!
    So far not 1 has arrived! Thanks
    Sorry I was MIA. The hubby and I took a quick trip for a couple of days, just to visit some family, so I wasn't around to play the games.

    I'll try and get caught up tomorrow. Games and laundry, in that order. lol
    I am addicted already but the only thing I have really figured out is the freebies, so any help would be great.:claps:
    I find it fascinating that I have been on here since July of 2006 and have 1133 posts. You have been on since Jan 2007 and have 3350 - that is almost 3 times my posts! :rofl: You go on with your bad posting self! ;)
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