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  • Thought it was time to check in with friends. Hope all is well with you. I'm enjoying our nice weather.
    Thanx for the heads up. Will check it out tomorrow. Tried once earlier and it wouldn't go thru. But thanx for letting me know. And now, stick a fork in me for I am DONE!!!
    :rofl:Glad you liked my Patriot's pictures. Your comments freakin' cracked me up. Stand in line, dbee. I saw them FIRST!!! Nothing like a tight pair of...oops, not on PM. Nevermind!!!LOL
    Hi, GB. I deleted the "Stupid Bunny" album. He didn't deserve the recognition any more! But he is still a STUPID BUNNY!!! Hey, is it cocktail hour yet??? I'm READY!!! Been out at the stadium watching the Patriot's at training camp. Oh, that is what I should do an album on. Ding-light bulb just went off-later....
    Thank you for the birthday wish! :) Another year tacked on lol Already celebrated my birthday my son turned 3 on thursday so it was an early birthday for me. Thanks again
    :beer_yum:Dang, I thought Happy Hour began at 3! I am watching the game. Love my Red Sox. So you mean I should crack open a beer now??????? Listen...ah.........Gulp, gulp, gulp!
    Hey, you crazy girl!! I had managed to NOT see my number of posts until you pointed it out!! And right after a lunar eclipse~this cannot be a good sign of things to come!
    Hmmm I really think we should have been there by now. Are we the worst sleuths or are we so good he wouldn't expect us this late??? LOL
    I had to have oral surgery and then my mom got sick. :( You mean to tell me u weren't worried about me? :verysad:
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