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  • We had :rainme: thru out the day yesterday and expect more again today... I can't get my bike rides in when it rains :cry:

    Does it bother you to have your boyfriend away so much? :noidea:

    I'm sporadic on here. I play in the games mostly, if someone is around to play with. Once in a while I poke my head in the off topic discussions, but otherwise not so much. This place has changed :yesnod: It has had its moments thru out the years, some pretty heated battles at times. I was a:behindsofa: before I joined. I miss the fun around here...it's just not the same...:sad:

    Hope all is well in your piece of the world and that you have a totally excellent weekend! :woot: :teeth:
    I pretty sure you really don't mean that!!! :cry::nonod:It is ok, :) I am not on here that much.
    A friend of mine from work is celebrating her daughter's graduation. She is having a picnic/BBQ at a Forest Perserve. :thumbs_up: I guess I will go out there for some support.:peace: So, besides work what are your plans this weekend? :bounce:
    Definitely needed the :rainme:
    Thanks :)
    Quiet weekends are nice:yesnod:
    How did you get rid of your BF? :cheer2::wink:
    Hope you had a great day and have an even better rest of the week! :teeth: :five: :hugs:
    I take it your bird isn't into nail polish!!! maybe your hands don't look real to it? :unsure::pound: You guys are still getting to know each other.:yesnod: Just a period of adjustment.:yesnod::)
    Hi sweetie!!! I am sorry you lost!!!:cry::sad: My cousin is here for about a week. I got to see her and all my cousins Sunday.:):yesnod: We celebrated Memorial day Sunday. I am resting today!!:target::washing: clothes this afternoon. Getting prepared for work tomorrow.:yesnod::cry:
    Hi d:willy: We have been blessed with some beautiful weather as of late. :yesnod: My oldest graduated 8th grade and my youngest got accepted into PreK. :) How have you been? Have an awesome week! :wavey:
    Hi sweetie went to visit my family. My cousin was in from Texas. I think I ate too much!!! I am glad you enjoyed yourself at the casino. did you win any?:):clap::yesnod:
    :tee: Good morning sweetie. Are you enjoying your hoilday weekend?:boogy:
    "It's a cockatiel His name was Oliver ,He was my baby for just over 25 years, he died last month. I got a new bird 2 weeks ago, a Parrotlet......he's mean "

    oh D:willy: I'm so sorry. i lost my Siamese cat Becky after 21 1/2 years.(will be 5 years but you never forget them):sad: :hugs:
    love my Boone & Bandit (my avatar) to pieces but Becky was there for a major part of my life. :sad:
    it's your bird pic . in this page in the upper left hand corner..think the birdie is adorable.
    is that a parrot? or a love bird? ( some people call parrots budgies....because the real name for the
    "common parakeet" is Budgerigar...or budgie. your bird is NOT looking common)
    hey D:willy: how are you? love that budgie pic....looks like a cuddly birdie.
    :hugs: can't hug you on the thread. :mmph::sad:
    My mom is doing good. as a matter of fact, I could not go see her yesterday. Her and my dad was running around. I guess that means she is doing better than good.:clap::):yesnod:
    Hi sweetie, my mom is out of the hospital. she is doing good. thanks for the :prey::)
    aww thanks dbee! I didn't even notice i had some notifications on top there. Thank you for the birthday wishes!
    to be honest i don't log on as much any more. i am crazy busy at work and log on to relax. i don't want to listen to people gripe about politics and read posts where they attack each other. most of the new non-freebie/coupon threads are political. or b*t*hy. not too many jokes or fun pics or even... dare i say...HUGS! :hugs:

    If i wasn't addicted to the ALLURE giveaways i probably wouldn't be on much at all.
    don't even see BD around too much and he's a mod. where's bird hunter, Madonna, Appletini?
    is everyone going to face book?
    which BTW i can't access from work. can log on to spoofee though.

    wow i need to drink my caw-fee (NYawker for coffee):zzz:... i am whining and I don't mean too. tired and need my caffeine.

    have a great day full of lottery wins and cherry vodka....oh and free maid service for us all!
    You don't want to visit.... sad day :wink: Hope all is well on your end and hopefully the crummy weather leaves us soon!!! :yesnod: :wavey:
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