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  • I am here more than there now, my laptop brokedown again and I pieced together my old OLD desktop and it goes so slow and is so old I can barely get on FB now....dontm have the money to fix the the laptop so I am trudging along with this old POS until it bites the dust...its really horrible but I guess I should be happy I can at least come here ....I love your nighty time flower pics!!!
    Sorry dear, I posted your message on my page. Its 2am, I must be still sleepy.
    I'm sure you'll sell it soon enough :yesnod: How many miles are on it and how much are you asking, if you don't mind me asking...

    Yard work is always so much fun...:wink:

    Did you have a nice weekend? Do anything fun with the beau? :noidea:
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    nice flower!!! :yesnod: Congrats on the new car!!!:clap::yesnod::):boogy:
    You're right hon, being a Mom is a full time job, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world! :)

    No luck selling your car, huh? I haven't found one :nonod:

    I bet you're loving your new one:yesnod: Congratulations! :party:

    Hope all is well otherwise :boogy:

    I hope all is well in your world:yesnod:

    You are the exact opposite of boring:woot:

    I'm a single mom of four girls, there's never a dull moment...:lol:
    We got some much needed :rainme:

    Sure, I can use a short bus :lol:

    When you get done with your place, you can come to mine :teeth:

    What do you do for fun or excitement to break up the monotony of life:noidea:
    Had to work today:yesnod:

    Where are you heading off to?:noidea:

    This humidity is dreadfully awful :ack:

    Hope this finds you having had an awesome weekend! :boogy:
    I've been without a vehicle for a month :sad: Went looking at vehicles this morning with a friend and they all want an arm and a leg...:yikes:

    Sure, we can always use a short bus!!!:woot: :)

    Have exciting plans for this weekend? :noidea:
    Ah, ok:yesnod:

    No rain here yet even tho they keep saying we are suppose to, but go figure it would do it to you when you're going to have some fun:sad:

    Hopefully more better than worse:yesnod:

    Things are ok. Not having a vehicle right now bites:motz:

    Girls are growing too dang fast:unsure: I have one going to be a freshman, an eighth grader, 4th grader and Pre-K. School starts in 3.5 weeks:yikes::) Summer went too fast:yesnod:
    :woot: On finding a car so quickly :yesnod:

    How come you have to wait till next week?:noidea:

    We still haven't receive:rainme: here... Need it to help cool off:yesnod:

    How's life been treating you, otherwise? :)
    I was just being ornery, it's all good :yesnod:

    Imagine that...:willy: :driver: a yellow car :)

    It was ok driving one, I just never thought of myself as being one of those "soccer moms" :lol:

    In the beginning, I wanted to be married but as time went on, I didn't :nonod: Some day, I will be :yesnod:

    We haven't received squat for :rainme: here, yet...

    Any luck finding another Ford Escape?:noidea:
    While you are stalking me, are you finding any good deals on vehicles that I may be missing :lol:

    I'm not sure what I want. Had a Chrysler Town & Country, not sure I want another van or SUV Are the Ford Escapes kind of small inside :sad::noidea:

    Would you ever consider getting married if your boyfriend wanted to or are you ok with the way things are? :noidea:

    I got some miles in on my :bike: but about died when I was done....:faint: It's horrid out there!:yikes:
    :behindsofa:Are you stalking me?

    I have to find a new vehicle :yesnod:

    I'm the children's librarian and the only person who runs my department :)

    I would love a reprieve from this humidity:yesnod:

    I can relate with the committment issue, I was witht the girls' father for almost 14 years and never married...

    Right now, I don't have any other plans but to work... as of yet anyway:)
    Those lovely 4 would be mine :yesnod:

    Got to love when things get upgraded...:suspicious:

    The summer reading program is held once a week at the library and averages 20-30 kids and we do crafts, stories, just depends :)

    It was 106 here yesterday:faint: Hope you were able to stay cool :yesnod:

    Have any fun plans for the weekend? :noidea:
    Morning, hon :flowers:

    Today is suppose to be the worst this week:faint:

    Our mosquitoes are on steriods :lol: We can't be too far apart, our weather is similar :yesnod:

    Getting ready to take a shower and head to work. Summer reading program starts today:woot:
    Glad you had a nice 4th :yesnod: I've never been camping. 1 night would probably be enough for me, lol :) Do you have skeeters on testosterone up there? :noidea:

    I've gotten some :bike: in, but with the humidity, it's hard to breath and I'm literally drenched in sweat when I'm done... :ack:

    Anything new in your world?
    Thanks :) I didn't realize the daisy part till you said something :teeth:

    It's my day off so I'm just putzing around home doing stuff.:faint:

    How's life in your neck of the woods? Hope you had a nice 4th :yesnod:
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