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  • I'm not proud I take all the help I can get :) that sounds like a cool project you have going, some deer came and ate all my neighbors tulips last night :rant:, he was bummed..:sad: oh well hope all is going good for you and yours:) Have Fun :cheers2:
    :attention: Hi sweetie. My week is wynding down. I move Tuesday :behindsofa: My last day on spoofee will be Monday. I have to turn off my internet service. Hopefully I will be back by Wed. Or Thrus.:) I hope all is well with you. Are you enjoying this awesome weather? Chicago reached a whopping 83 degrees today!!! :woot::hurray:
    Hi! Yes, drying out. Still a bit mushy towards the back. Spent yesterday burning yard waste. Yard looking good. Waiting for you to post pics of all the work you have been doing. Sounds like backbeaking work. You go, girl!!! :high5:
    1098 pavers...that sounds like :censored: work:)...also sounds like it wil be nice when your finished.:thumb:my big project this year is to paint the house, not looking forward to that, at least i can get help from my bro and a couple of friends:cheers2:
    Nice to hear from ya....I.m doing OK, about a month til I'm normal, whatever that is huh :rofl:Been doing yardwork also,Love this time of year.:hugs:
    Hi sweetie I left a comment to your picture posted on the thread. check it out.
    :wave: Thanks all of you that stopped by to wish me a Happy Easter! I hope you all had a Great One.
    OMG HI Dbeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!b My puter went cerplunk wednesday morning and i tried everything to make it work and I went DAYS without a puter....It was scary!! Lovesya!! Oh an a friend came over with her boyfrind and he has no idea what he did to make it work so it might fizzle again...
    so that's why...

    ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF ME? :cry::cry: There were these 2 guys that were working and loading and i just so happened to walked by so one of the containers fell on ME! :argh: Its still green and purple right now...:sad:

    Enjoy your weekend!
    Oh my 52?!?!?! :faint: I thought it was tough for me but now i know having 30 so what relatives is like NOTHING!

    Everytime when there are new family members at the gatherings and stuff i stick to my bf like glue :afraid: :rofl:

    OMG! I was shopping yesterday and got hit in the arm by this metal container :bawling: i was in so much pain and now its all purple and green..:sad: really!! i'm not being :drama:
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