So What's The Deal????? **another game**

No Trespassing!

Is titanium stronger than surgical steel?
No Trespassing!

Is titanium stronger than surgical steel?

Is Titanium stronger than steel, then? If the word "weight" is disregarded, many may conclude that titanium is indeed stronger due to its "superior strength-to-weight" ratio. However, except where weight is an issue such as in aircraft parts, steel is in most cases still a structurally superior material. In most applications, weight is somewhat less important than other factors.

So I guess Titanium? :convinced:

What would be your dream job?
Being independently wealthy?

Why do you live in the part of the country that you live in?
I love the South! (and my family is here)

What's your favorite TV show right now?
Rockin' Rio by Escada

do you prefer body wash or good old soap?
I love Dial soap and I use Dove exfoliation soap for my face. :)

What soap or body wash do you like to use?
Right Now It Is Caress Silk Bodywash. But It Changes Often, Whenever I Find A New Brand.

What Is Your Favorite Soda/cola/pop?
probably caffeine free coke or dr. pepper

What do you usually order to drink when you go out to eat?

What is your favorite "eat-out" food?
I usually get some kind of chicken. I don't like hamburger meat a whole lot.

How do you like your steaks cooked?
Medium Rare

Baked potato or baked sweet potato?
Baked Sweet Potato..... yummm!!!

What would you rather go out bowling or go play pool????