So What's The Deal????? **another game**

Yes, I do believe there is something in the 'here-after'.

Okay, if you believe there is a 'higher power' (GOD) do you think he 'sees all' and just turns 'his head'? (or does he watch & nod?:eyebrows:)
i don't think God wanted us to be robots. otherwise that's what He would've created. He turns his head. sole sista, you pervert :p

do you drink enough water?
No I's my goal (not resolution) to drink more water everyday - I am a soda-aholic!

how much soda do you drink in a day? or week?
:hmmmm2: I gave up smoking some time ago, I've cut down on drinking considerably, I'm trying to become real conscience of cursing (and trying to avoid it).....I guess my vice is Spoofee-ing! :spoofee: :eek:

What 'good' habit are you working on or wanting to acquire?
kids and i are working on our spanish... is that a habit... i guess not.... ok i'm also trying to be good about washing my face EVERY night, whether i'm tired or not. oh and water. it's my new best friend LOL

do you have a favorite pen.. you know a writing instrument that just "feels right" in your hand?

Do you have a special outfit that you wear to interviews?
Yes. I like to wear this one


Do you ever wonder how life for everyone around you would be different if you had never been born?
**I won't ask what you were interviewing for :eek:**

There would probably be peace on earth :angel:

Getting back to a previous question...since Santa sees all...does he 'turn his head" too?? :eyebrows:
Santa doesn't turn his head,
and Squid, I'm sending you the bill for having my eyeballs sanded.

What is your favorite day of the week?
(waiting for Feb ....)

What did you eat for dinner today?
I am having Lost withdrawals myself!

Steak, red skinned mashed potatoes, steamed baby carrots, and salad.
(Went out to dinner)

What was the last thing you cooked?
ummm.....:hmmmm2: I think it was New Year's Day - yes. I cooked French Toast for breakfast. Hubby does most of the cooking - it was in the prenup! ;)

when was your last vacation?
In October 2006.

How often do you go on vacation? ( I go whenever I have the time and a place to go.)
About once a year. Traveling with kids is expensive but we are talking about going to Disneyland soon.

Where's the best place you ever went on vacation?
About once a year. Traveling with kids is expensive but we are talking about going to Disneyland soon.

Where's the best place you ever went on vacation?

Amber, my niece, her mom and I went camping up north last summer and we had soo much fun!

Where's the furthest you have been from home?
I once went to a summer camp. I dont know where it was, but I hated it and I wanted to come home so badly. In reality it was probably only a few hours away, but Ive never been farther from home in my life.

How many different cities (or towns, villages, hamlets, shanty towns) have you lived in?