So What's The Deal????? **another game**

Max Power

If you were told that the world was going to end in three hours (and it was true), what would you do?
blame Dehawk....

repeat question....If you were told that the world was going to end in three hours (and it was true), what would you do?
Whatever I want!

Have you ever seen a strange light in the sky that you couldn't explain?
well, I sat by a bonfire in November- I guess that counts?

Do you have a fireplace in your house?
Theres a big one in that house Im trying to buy.. But not in the townhouse Im in now.

Have you ever had a wood burning stove? (they keep the house SO toasty warm)
No but my grandparents used to have one in their house and it was always toasty in there!

Do you avoid the outdoors when it's cold (I know I do)?
Heck yeah! I'm a hermit in the winter.

Do you like jumping into piles of leaves?
Yep, but don't tell anyone.

Do you like camping? Not the campground stuff. Being 3-4 miles away from others (with the exception of your own group).
Yep, but don't tell anyone.

Do you like camping? Not the campground stuff. Being 3-4 miles away from others (with the exception of your own group).

Sorry, if a mod can x this out i'd appreciate it.
I love to camp like that, but it's been a long time...

How many lamps do you have in your bedroom?
1, but it has no lightbulb. actually, it's still in the packaging lol

what's your favorite candle fragrance?
one, unless you count mirrors

how many ceiling fans are in your house?
six, I think, but I want to add a 'fancy' dual one for the livingroom....we'll see

When do you use your ceiling fans? (Summer only, Winter or all year round?)
My husband (not me!) uses the ceiling fans (or any fan) all year long.
Has to be cold and he likes the noise!

do you have one of the new ceiling fans with the big funky blades?
How'd you know I would be next? ;)
I don't know about funky blades, but they are a real cool blue color.

Does the light in your oven still work?
hmmm... i haven't checked. but it was fine for the 154 cookies i baked tonight. whew!

what's your favorite type of cookie?
Chocolate chip or those mint girl scout ones

What is your favorite gift you got this Christmas?