So What's The Deal????? **another game**

Of course. Every time the earth comes out of an ice age. Do I think we are responsible? Absolutely not.

Do you chew sugar free gum?
Passed out drunk doesnt count, Dan.

That wasn't passed out drunk, it was after 48+ hours of being awake, 30 or so of which was at work.

No to sugar free gum

Do you drink diet soft drinks?
1-20oz a day with lunch.

How much water do you drink a day?
I think it was Pirates of the Caribbean ( the 2nd one). I hardly ever go to the movies.

When was the last time you went dancing at a nightclub?
It was at the Whirling Dervish.

How many computers do you have? working or broken.
2, one is 100% working and the other can be fixed "just in case"

In what room is your computer located?
One in the living room (laptop) and two that work and two that dont upstairs in the computer room.

Do you still live in your hometown?
I did- thanks for asking!!:)

Did you go out to eat at all this weekend?
No, hubby went out and brought back Lobster Tails!! Clams!! and cooked it!!! WooHoo :woot:

I love my man...:05:

The next person's spouse/SO/Companion/etc. is a very thoughtful sweetheart! :05:**Here's the hitch - you must respond with the latest sweetie pie thing that they've done*

*DiGriz...must show more of an effort than refilling your glass with Bourbon ..;)*
Oops- this isn't the next person thread, preco;) (for once, it wasn't me!)

Actually, my husband is sweet and great and all that, but he's not always really thoughtful in the romantic sense- I can't complain though....

What color is your house?
Just one????

Plain Hershey - take it home and dip it in the Peanut Butter jar! :dreul:

when was the last time you went to the beach?