Say Something nice about the person above you.

I can throw that one right back at ya big guy. You're from kentucky, you hunt, and ride horses. May be a little stereotypical, but that's okay, I like ya. Yay Kentucky!
Wade must be a good person because he thinks he's wise. That or self-centered. LOL

I just wanna keep up the kentucky party. I'll say something nice about the two above me, cuz they both live in the greatest state touching Tennessee. which is saying a lot since almost 25% of the contiguous 48 touch Tennessee. Yay Kentucky!
wade, have a nice ukulele?!
well thats all the "goodness" from me :)
Able to break convention...see thread here. And also "[y]ou are a witty Vampire with a certain style that others are drawn to." LOL
you're excited about getting The Book of Mormon for free. That makes you okay in my book :)
Spritual, peaceful people are a good thing. Hurray for Wade! :)
precocious, She is one of the few women around here. Any woman brave enough to stick around is A.O.K. in my book. :) Yay women!!..umm...i mean hooray for precocious. :)
really good at bringing back a thread we all thought was dead
really good at posting again to a thread we thought was dead
spazntwitch said:
Able to break convention...see thread here. And also "[y]ou are a witty Vampire with a certain style that others are drawn to." LOL
that really killed the thread did it not..umm. did not mean to anyways..

by the way words for SPANZWITCH: good comments. and a ferocious dog!
I'm gonna start Waxedstrong's thread back up.
Hmm, well Jubjub was a curious member that hasn't posted for a while. Hope he comes back. He seemed nice.:)
SharonL- You always have such nice things to say! I like your avatar. Is that one of your sons?
mylilmonsters - great sense of humor. :bigok: I like your replies on "Word Associations" thread
I've said this once before today but...Waxedstrong you have a great sense of humor..keep it up!