Say Something nice about the person above you.

Cedar said:
Thanks Penpen my favorite super moderatorette.
LOL thanks! :D

you are my favorite super moderatorette too ! :D

(especially funny seeing as you and i are the only super moderatorettes, hee hee.) ;)
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Penpen and Cedar are both superwomen in my eyes. Very helpful, and pulls useful information from the most random places. I like how Cedar speaks her mind in an intelligent and useful way. I like how penpen checks out the most minute detail on all of spoofee that no one would ever find..

Thanks guys!
Scoopons (the moderatorette formerly known as Spoofee-Coupons).

A hard-working "behind the scenes" woman who has made the coupon section as fantastic as it is today! You're sweet and incredibly funny in an understated way (like in this post) LOL . :)
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Penpen- you always find the best freebies and deals...there is always a good thread started by you and you always make sure that everyone is posting where they should be and making sure they do it right!!!
Casey , you have been a good new addition to spoofee

Ok then best of luck to the next poster.
Dehawk, you selflessly sacrifice yourself to be the butt of jokes, you keep me busy trying to edit your grammatical errors, you remind us of the weird cousin that kinda says the wrong things or just likes to gross people out.. you in all keep the off topic threads very colorful...

All the while keeping in good spirits..
Scoopons usually sits in the background and is very sweet. I do not recall hearing harsh words from her keyboard.
The only person from utah that isn't a utard! he is into computers and that means he is hip, and is dog will kill you. great man and he has way more posts then me.
Waxedstrong is the best Flamingo Drive player :)
You made me censor my well balls , but i still like you :)
dehawk666 said:
LOTR Sn = Coolness
Lord of the rings - serious nut????
Land of the radicals - sacreligious nonsense?
Lost orafice to rabies - sacrificing noodles????

Please explain for the online illiterates! Thanks
i think he thought your name was precious, and not precocious... dehawk keeps me busy..