I enjoy things much more after dying, I am glad my hubby brought me back, I am not afraid of dying again, although I don't want to do it anytime soon, it's not as scary for me now as it was beforehand. But send your homework this way propelissa, just scan it and send and I will get it done for you, LOL! I would enjoy homework right about now! I am enjoying everything more, it's really odd, I am not sure if it is where I hit my head and I have brain damage and my senses are more keen or what is going on, but everything just seems a little bit better. I wouldn't wish the whole ordeal on my worst enemy, it was hard on my family, but if that's what it took for someone to have a better outlook on life, well I dunno, it's just so strange, I mean I was ok before and now everything seems more ok, hard to explain, but anyway, good mornin yall!
Sorry to ramble, prolly brain damage too, LOL