well last year i had an amazing time running alongside the "running elvi"... this year they're trying to break the world record for the most elvi at a race. i thought, what the heck... this will be my 11th marathon, i'm not doing it for time, so i might as well do it for fun. this race has about 25,000 participants each year. last year there were about 30 or so elvi. i'm sure there will be more this year, but i don't know how many.
all i know is, it will be FUN! plus, there's an "after party", and they drink beer the whole race... they propose to the ladies... dance and have a great time. and bob, the ringleader, pushes a baby jogger with a boombox playing elvis tunes the whole race. most of the elvi are accomplished runners and tri-athletes who come every year to this race (the "rock n roll marathon") just to dress up and have a good time