They need to unify the cap labeling of Milk!
I have bought the wrong kind of milk for the second time! I usually buy a gallon of skim and a gallon of whole. Dean's Milk at Jewel- Lite Blue Cap for Skim and Red for Whole. So... I'm at Dominick's about a month ago and I pick up milk only to come home and find out that blue caps are 2% (red is still whole). My daughter complained *everytime* I served her milk that it didn't taste right. So... yesterday... I made an ultra quick stop at Jewel and I notice that Oberweiss milk is on sale. YUM. They have the best milk. So I buy two only to get home and now the RED cap is 2%. Skim is a White cap.
Don't they know that moms who buy this milk don't have time to actually *read* the milk to see what type it is? Can't they get their color coding straight? It would be really helpful!