Ok Ragnarok, I have hit a wall of doctors that won't do what it takes to help with Fibromyalgia pain and the SEVERE migraines I get, normally, I need to get a shot and 2 days of a narcotic painkiller and phenergan to get rid of the headache, I tell them that, they don't listen, they give me some jacked up anti-inflamitory and I am sick anywhere from a week to 3 weeks with the same migraine, as it is now I wake up everyday with a headache and backpain, BUT, seeing as how you seem to be knowledgeable about natural meds, what would an alternative be? I am SICK of being sick and I am sick of fighting doctors to get the meds I need to ease the pain.
I am soooooooo sorry Ultimate that I didn't see this post until now! You poor thing, I certainly understand Fibro and Migraines, suffering from both myself.
Oh, try hard to steer clear of the narcs, have you tried Immo.? Either shot or pill for the migraines? I agree if the headache does not dissipate within two days, you need the narc and phenergan, or even a dose of compazine. Any doctor worth their salt knows, that unless you get the nausea under control, you will have no luck controlling the headache itself!
Okay, I am "assuming" that you have had your history and physical with your Doctors, and they have ruled out any other abnormality. As such, I will try and address your "headache" portion how is that?!?!
1) Have you checked to make sure that your headaches are not related to food allergies, or drug sensitivities? You would be amazed at how many folks get nasty headaches after eating or taking prescription medications.
2) Have you signed up for, or, been given any educational techniques for combating stress reduction...such as yoga, behavioral modification techniques, visualization, meditation, stretching exercises, Ai Chi, Tai Chi, swimming? How about some physical therapy, such as heat, or massage? Insurance covers the same.
3)If not....try hard throughout the day to stretch your muscles every half an hour, and massage your head and shoulders. Yep, you can do it yourself, and, even ten minutes helps keep those muscles from tightening. I know you have wee ones about, but, remember, you are worth five minutes or so every hour! If you can couple the quick massage with aromatherapy, that is even better. Oil of peppermint can be obtained at any health food store/outlet. It is a wonderful way for the brain to process relaxation.
4) Dr. Fred Sheftell who specializes in headache pain states that a cup of coffee constricts blood vessles and boosts the pain-relieving power of aspirin by about one third. However, if you have a sensitive gut, by pass this suggestion.
5) This sounds easy to do, but Mommy's have the hardest time with this suggestion. Eat your meals at a scheduled time, and, do not skip meals! The rationale behind this is to maintain stable blood sugars. Any quick drop in blood sugars can produce a headache.
6) If you feel a headache coming on, (sensitivity to light, aura, constriction, sweating) take a quick nap, or take a brisk walk. When you walk you actually relax the muscles in the neck and shoulders.
7) Add a drop of peppermint oil to your facial oils, dilute it sufficiently and apply under the nose and behind the ears, relax for ten minutes, and, rinse.
8) Accupuncture works wonders for chronic headaches. Yes, I have had the treatments, yes most insurances will cover them, and, yes, they do work. They will also teach you how to massage accupressure points, this relieves pain as well. Yes, that works too!
9) For nausea, ginger tea works wonders and can be obtained at a good health food store, or you can process fresh ginger yourself and make the tea. But I am lazy, so I buy it! LOL Spearmint tea knocks out nausea as well. But, I always recommended ginger tea.
10) Keep yourself current on the latest research and treatments for Fibromyalgia that way, you have ammo to take to the Doctors. Always find a Doctor who specializes in Fibro, you will get further with them. Take a look around on the web site National Fibromyalgia Association:
http://www.fmaware.org/site/PageServer and another good site
Sorry, but I am trying to give you some helpful information. Maybe there are other members on Spoofee suffering with the same disease, or know someone who has Fibromyalgia. I wish you good health, and, some much needed pain relief and soon. :hug: