Odd comments that have nothing to do with anything else...

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I'm already allergic to shell food. :(

Oh well nuts then! Me too! And here I live on the water and grew up with seafood. Imagine my surprise to one day eat a shrimp and turn purple! Then I ate steamed crabs and swelled up like a tick!! :( Allergies usually start with itching, welts, skin discoloration, itchy throat/eyes. Try and think what you were doing or where you were that day that the itching all started. Did you add something new to your diet? Change detergents/soap? Work out in the yard? Check for tick bites too! :hug: :wave:
My son started high school today! :doh: :faint:

Oh you poor woman!! Okay, now listen to old Rags.......take in a deep breath, let it out, take another one in, let it out!!! Now.......LAUGH!!!:rofl: It is gonna be okay Mommy, really it is! Just know that you have done a great job with parenting, trust him, and, your own parenting skills, keep tabs on him, and, keep communications up and going. You will have him into Harvard in four years!! And if you need an extra baseball bat to chase him around with, I will send you the one I used on my own son!! (Just kinding folks, no hate mail!) :rofl: :wave: :hug:
Oh you poor woman!! Okay, now listen to old Rags.......take in a deep breath, let it out, take another one in, let it out!!! Now.......LAUGH!!!:rofl: It is gonna be okay Mommy, really it is! Just know that you have done a great job with parenting, trust him, and, your own parenting skills, keep tabs on him, and, keep communications up and going. You will have him into Harvard in four years!! And if you need an extra baseball bat to chase him around with, I will send you the one I used on my own son!! (Just kinding folks, no hate mail!) :rofl: :wave: :hug:

I was thinking duct tape would be more effective. LOL He is a good kid. I know I shouldn't worry. It's just peer pressure is so bad sometimes. I cringe when I think of the stuff we were doing in H.S.. I know I can't shelter him forever. The girls these days too. They are just as bold as the guys. :doh: :worry:
I am pretty straightforward with my kids though and hopefully he knows he can talk to me about anything!
My son started high school today! :doh: :faint:

I remember seeing your pics from your trip to Disneyland and your son is so tall I thought he was already in high school! :) Don't worry about him, Sharon, he will do great and I hope he plays basketball!!! The NBA could really use him!! :hug:
I want to see the new Halloween movie.

Anyone seen it yet?
I am back, and I am soooo tired. LOL Dragon*Con was quite fantastic. ;)
My son started high school today! :doh: :faint:

I feel your pain. I went through the same thing last year. My son attended a small private school since K4. The freshman class at the public high school he attends is larger than the student body at his old school! He only knew a couple of people at the beginning of the school year and now he is busy every weekend! I just make sure I know where he will be and who will be there. As a matter of fact, I had his cross country team over for dinner on Monday night. Just try not to worry about him and peer pressure. If he is a good of a kid as you say he is, he should not have any problems.:)
I just put some Dragon*Con pics up on my Myspace page. If anyone can't view them, let me know and I will put some up on here.
I'm looking at your pics on Myspace now, Faerie---cool catwoman outfit!!;)
They are getting big. :cry: But now they are out of the house all day. :bigok: Time for an outside job. Thanks for the pic comments. :)
I'm in my bedroom with the windows open and listening to music. I sneezed a minute or so ago and my 16 (or so) year old neighbor yelled "bless you" up at me.

good thing I changed my shirt in the bathroom! :o
I'm in my bedroom with the windows open and listening to music. I sneezed a minute or so ago and my 16 (or so) year old neighbor yelled "bless you" up at me.

good thing I changed my shirt in the bathroom! :o

Good for you, not for him:verysad:
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