Hey Rag's! Does Jeb howl with an accent???:rofl: :rofl::dog:
Hey DiGriz............
Butty......you would love the accent from "Maryland's Eastern Shore" and the "Islanders!" Very lyrical, a slow cadence, and, a lingo all of its own! :wave:
Ok....here's my number so you can call me. :tongue:
I have a friend who has grandparents w/ heavy Scottish accents. I used to love sitting there listening to them talk.
My leg is itchy.
In 11 days, Choo and I are heading to Vegas for a mini vacation :marshmallow:
In 11 days, Choo and I are heading to Vegas for a mini vacation :marshmallow:
I want Laffy Taffy. Grape Laffy Taffy.
and I'm not pregnant.
In 11 days, Choo and I are heading to Vegas for a mini vacation :marshmallow:
In 11 days, Choo and I are heading to Vegas for a mini vacation :marshmallow:
:ignore: I will not voice a comment at this time.