Odd comments that have nothing to do with anything else...

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And we have absolutely 0% containment on it at this time. This thing is CRAZY but at least the smoke and ash have been significantly reduced today. And yes, once I can get a picture off my secure digital card, I'll post a picture on here as we are driving into the fire in the ambulance. This will be a Spoofee exclusive and won't be available on CNN, MSNBC, or any other news outlet. LOL

A Spoofee exclusive? WOW!!!!!!!!

Be careful Spaz and check in with us when you can!
And now for the Spoofee exclusive!

On Saturday, July 7, 2007, we responded to several patients on the I15 freeway that were involved in a multi-vehicle collision due to heavy smoke. These are the pictures I took from my cell phone while we were enroute in the ambulance. It only took a few minutes to get inside the smoke. At first the sky turned dark but when we got closer to the fire the sky turned an apocalyptic orange. Note that we were called out in the middle of the day.

2:48 PM ~ Smoke visible in background

Copyright Bill Justesen 2007. All rights reserved.

Side view from the ambulance / orange sky

Copyright Bill Justesen 2007. All rights reserved.

Side view from the ambulance / passing fire

Copyright Bill Justesen 2007. All rights reserved.

3:04 PM ~ About two miles away from the scene
The vehicle in front is the ambulance with its lights on


Copyright Bill Justesen 2007. All rights reserved.
Are You Breathing That Goo, Or Do You Have Respirators?
spaz, that's why you're "that guy"

(yeah, i just saw "live free or die hard")
Wow those are pretty impressive pictures...in the first pic the water bottle on the left is missing it's cap and in the last pic the cap reappears. :tongue: All kidding aside I applaud you and your fellow workers on your heroic efforts to keep us all safe. :claps: :hug:
Does anyone else have multiple windows open while they surf?
Like right now I have 4 internet windows open - one for Spoofee, one for e-mail, one for shopping and one for news.
I have an insane craving for tuna salad.
I had some for lunch and dinner yesterday and I made more today for lunch.
Ohh I almost forgot....yesterday I received my first freebie t-shirt. :claps:
Yes I did see the Dove freebie...I signed up a few minutes ago. :bigok:
I don't recall where the t-shirt was from. It's in the wash right now or else I would go look. It has something to do w/ American pride.
Yes I did see the Dove freebie...I signed up a few minutes ago. :bigok:
I don't recall where the t-shirt was from. It's in the wash right now or else I would go look. It has something to do w/ American pride.

WOW. Must have made a great impression.......you are a marketing manager's nightmare. LOL
Ok I did a search and I could not find the link, but the shirt says TRUE To Red, White AND BLUE
LOL..I think it was meant to say a storm is coming..LOL..It was like that earlier here, too.
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