Marlboro Outwit The West

How does this sound for #35????????????
Ok i think i may be on to something if it hasn't been identified already.. How about Pioneer Day
It shows in the second link it's celebrated in both Utah and in Idaho on July to investigate the first year. what do you think?

ok back check this out
and says that "the first celebration of Pioneer Day in 1857" goes on and on...what do you think? Think they might be talking about Pioneer Day that was first celebrated in 1857? then the year would be 1857 no????????

Any other ideas???????????
Ok this is what we've all figured out so far:
31-Speedway (from Bonneville Speedway- word behind it)
32-Prosperity Junction
33-Dodge City Days (annogram from the letters...the A is all the way as you look at it to the right in a darker larger font)
35- ????? I'm stuck.. The problem I have w/ my own answer is that it's not 7 months apart though it is found only in 2 states. Any other ideas? Please assist.
Don't give up. I only have 2 of the answers.

well I gave up and went to bed... lol Hope you got some sleep this morning..

The rest of you ... thanks for posting suggestions and links to info..
should #33 be DODGE city days? since that's the way the plates were?
Question #35 might have to deal with The First Thanksgiving:
First Thanksgiving Texas May, 1541
First Thanksgiving New Mexico April 30, 1598
First ThanksGiving Plymouth 1621

1598 - 1541 = 57 (one month shy)
1621 - 1598 = 23
November - April = 7 months

First is 1541

Let me know what you think...
For Q. 31 It's name behind it not word.

Ok this is what we've all figured out so far:
31-Speedway (from Bonneville Speedway- word behind it)
32-Prosperity Junction
33-Dodge City Days (annogram from the letters...the A is all the way as you look at it to the right in a darker larger font)
35- ????? I'm stuck.. The problem I have w/ my own answer is that it's not 7 months apart though it is found only in 2 states. Any other ideas? Please assist.
If capitalization is counted in your answer "DODGE CITY DAYS" is all in caps on the printers plate letter scramble in the video.
33-Dodge City Days (annogram from the letters...the A is all the way as you look at it to the right in a darker larger font)

Yup! For your perusal, the following screenshot captured, flipped, and Spoofee'ized...


And I agree with tsgte6:

If capitalization is counted in your answer "DODGE CITY DAYS" is all in caps on the printers plate letter scramble in the video.
For Q. 31 It's name behind it not word.

does behind and after mean the same thing....speedway is after Bonneville...Bonneville has too many letters but I think Speedway is after not behind....Is that more confusing????
Definitely going with all caps for DODGE CITY DAYS, they seem to be really picky with how you enter your answers and the letters in the clue are def all caps...
Since the picture in my last post didn't show up like it was supposed to, here it is again:

Just got an email from Marlboro...
starting this week.. Get 10 extra bonus points for every answer submitted.
It's our way of saying thanks for unlocking the clues...

Woo Hoo.. that should help everybody that was hoping for the higher level prizes : )
found this place seaching for clues hope dont mind my thought,#31 thinking Scouville. like the pepper measure.kinda fits soundslike a town,prove your limts, like i said just thoughts to many thoughts in this game
I didn't an email yet??? Thats for the blow-up of the picture I already had it but not as clear...Looks like even though they are lg. and sm. they are all CAPS...