Free Pack of Stride Gum

YEAH!!! I got mine today. Chewed it for a good 1/2 hour before I had to throw it out like alll the others. :druel:
Got my right to chew Stride for a ridiculously long time today!Sweet berry!:)
finally got my gum after repeated calls to them.
oh yea I finally got mine!!! LOL got 2 left after the kids got ahold of it LOL
i received the mandarin orange a few weeks ago (forgot to post that). i just ordered the sweet berry...can't wait!!
This is a great and totally hillarious way to market a product - I wish more companies would provide such entertainment while giving out freebies :rofl:

PS: They DO send the gum!
I got sweet cin.... I have tried sweet berry way too much fruit for me. Thanks for the post Gold Fish!