Free Pack of Stride Gum

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got my gum yesterday... always mandarin
got the mandarin today....guess it's true the mail doesn't stop even for the rain lol...we are under a tropical storm warning and he came w/his hooded plastic jacket lol
I called them today and they're sending me a coupon for a free pack. I have been waiting for this for 2 months.

Thank you for contacting us. We appreciate your interest in our products. We'll respond to your request soon!

If you need to reach us immediately, call us at 1-800-524-2854
on the phone with them now, cause they keep telling me that i already signed , which i did not cause it won't let me.
they said that they are being shipped on monday should get within 7-10 days, if not call them back. very nice lady.
I got the same reply when I called as you did smidge1 she then asked for my info to put me on their mailing list. LOL
I rec'd my orange gum yestersay. :) Haven't tried it yet tho... threw it in my purse.
:teeth: I got my Sweet Berry gum today :marshmallow:
My kids have been after me all day for gum...I said not till tomorrow when we go forward 4 hours later when the mail comes...I open the package and guess what was in there....GUM...Would have thought i gave them
if i don't get it next week i will call again.
got mine a few weeks ago... it is still sitting on my desk at work.. only half gone
I just bought the mandarine gum a few days ago it is really yummy and last a long time. I had fun with the site it was to cute!
Finally got my coupon- and went and got it today!!
nadda and im to lazy to call....LOL
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I got the pack in the mail today it came in a small blue envelope and it had a little card in there about my "settlement" lol