Free Pack of Stride Gum

Receive a FREE Pack of Stride Gum

Due to the extremely long lasting flavor of Stride Gum people are still chewing their first piece. Well now Stride is going to make them spit out that first piece so they can get a FREE pack. Chose 'Settle' and enter your birth date and submit. You'll then be prompted to complete a short survey and then your details to receive your FREE sample of Stride gum! Please allow 4 - 6 weeks for delivery.
I missed this the first time. Thanks for posting!
This is a new offer. I signed up the last time and received my gum. It let me sign up again. Thanks.
It let me sign up again too. Although I still haven't received my last pack I signed up for.
well congrats for being allowed to still sign up, however it is still a repost of what goldfish posted... because its the people vs stride
Jeepers no need to get huffy if this is a repost the mods will merge them.
It wouldnt let me sign up because it said that I had already done this one.
Does anyone know if they send gum to people who already participated in the last campaign?
"Which of these ram-provoking materials were you wearing when you were attacked?"
