Free Goods from Walmart

I didn't mention a spreadsheet. I just use a pad and things are entered in date order with a column for checking off when rcd. Very low tech. I saw enough spreadsheets to last me for life when I was working. But, I was thinking that the best thing for me to use would be a phone book. That way the offers would be easier to find to mark off/follow up... Obviously need one with a lot of pages for each letter of the alphabet or a loose-leaf type where pages could be added.

I combined 2 quotes into 1. Ellie mentioned the spreadsheet. Any tracking method works. I, on the other hand, like the surprise when I receive things. My memory isn't the greatest anymore so sometimes I get things I forgot about signing up for. Especially when it takes them months to send. :teeth:
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Thanks a bunch, Curious!

Thanks!! I just had my baby girl 3 weeks ago and I'm still needing to use pads, I could really use these!! Great find!!!