Free Goods from Walmart

I tried this earlier today from another site posting, and it said "sold out." Maybe they'll get more!
I had a hard time getting the Move Free page to come up, but the samples are still available. :bigok:

Check Yes you have received a sample in the last 12 mos. if you'd rather have a pill box.
I had a hard time getting the Move Free page to come up, but the samples are still available. :bigok:

Check Yes you have received a sample in the last 12 mos. if you'd rather have a pill box.

They are out of the samples now, but when you submit the form it says you will recieve the pill box instead. :)

Thanks for the post, Ellie!! :bigok:

Thank you!

Due to a limited supply of samples we are sending you a complimentary pillbox.
Please allow up to four weeks for your free sample to arrive in your mailbox.
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