Free Goods from Walmart

Popcorn is gone again

We're Sorry!

The free sample you have requested is sold out. Our samples go fast, so be sure to check out our Free Samples page frequently to take advantage of these great offers!.

Somehow I always manage to miss this one :(
I received the IAMS Healthy Naturals dog food sample today. :)
Thanks for the heads up Joyce :)

Yesterday was Walmart freebie day at our house. The granola sample came, plus the cat & dog samples of the Maxxium food, the dog Iams sample came, and the Dove Pro Age sample too.

I bet the Postman wondered how I got all those little boxes from Walmart *lol*
I received my john frieda samples today! Thanks for the diaper post!
Received the NIVEA FOR MEN Energizing Hydro Gel yesterday.

Hubby used it this morning and loved it.
Received the NIVEA FOR MEN Energizing Hydro Gel yesterday.

Hubby used it this morning and loved it.
Almost forgot, I also got 2 bags of the Maxximum Indoor Recipe cat food, which my kitty has already taste-tested. :teeth:
Thank you!

Please allow up to four weeks for your free sample to arrive in your mailbox.
I buy Dove all the time. Thanks for the post, NachoQueen! :bigok: