Free Goods from Walmart

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Huh?? Went thru for me as usual.
Were you able to get through to order the sample glitterdog? I keeps taking me to the Walmart homepage when I click on get a free sample?
Were you able to get through to order the sample glitterdog? I keeps taking me to the Walmart homepage when I click on get a free sample?

Same thing happens to me even when I go to and try it that way instead of the above link. The site must be having "technical difficulties" :rant::argh:

Were you able to get through to order the sample glitterdog? I keeps taking me to the Walmart homepage when I click on get a free sample?

Same thing happens to me even when I go to and try it that way instead of the above link. The site must be having "technical difficulties" :rant::argh:

It didn't work for me either :nonod::rant::mad:

If you read down towards the bottom of the advertisement for the free sample it reads: "Available September 1st"

I have never seen that on Walmart before but at least that explains it!!:yesnod:
Went through for me.

Please allow up to four weeks for your free sample to arrive in your mailbox.
In the event that there is a delay in shipping your sample, we may notify you via email.
I just got in no problem - This has 3 samples in one so this one will go fast!
Worked for me now. Something must have been up with the site earlier. Thanks!
Worked for me, but when I went back to get one for my husband's office address, it also took me to the home page--and no thank you. BTW, this is the same stuff that we got from the Marie Claire product is new. I think the samples will go out, but it won't be available in the store until Sept. 1st. That's all that means as I read it.

Edit: went back, and it went thru for my friend OK. Changed something in husband's address, and then it worked. Weird.

Today, I received the Bodycology Cherry Blossom lotion (last time it was three samples) and a tiny Nivea Body Wash (Touch of Sparkle Cream Oil Body Wash).
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Free Scope worked for me just fine. WalMart is ALWAYS good at sending out their samples, and QUICK!:yesnod: