Free Goods from Walmart

Well, I got a roll of paper and package of wipes today--glad I went to the mailbox earlier. Just had a huge black bear walk right behind my deck and through my property! Yikes!

:thinking: I guess the 'mail' came in handy after the bear walked by? :laugh:

...and the bear did not steal the free Tp, so perhaps that does in fact answer the age ol' question: Does a bear $!#* in the woods?!!!!!:lol:

Silly girls, bears only use Charmin!
I also got the Viva today--and my husband got the Scott toilet paper & wipes at his office yesterday. Guess the person who steals all his Walmart samples must have been asleep at the switch.
I'm sure my Postman thinks I'm just a crazy sampler! Then this full sized roll of TP shows up and he really had to go through the roof! It wouldn't fit in the mailbox so there it was, between the doors!!! LOL! :teeth::wink:
Got the goodnites for my son today.. m not sure he is gonna like it though.. Thanks for the post
ok I got my men's body wash (Little blisterpack thingy..maybe my man could wash his armpits w/ it not full body like b4)..and the raspberry cream hand lotion yesterday!