Free Goods from Walmart

Thanks Muff!

Always can use it with the way times are now!:yesnod:
Thank you!

Please allow up to four weeks for your free sample to arrive in your mailbox.
In the event that there is a delay in shipping your sample, we may notify you via email.
Received a cute packet set of three products from Bodycology today--hand soap, lotion, body mist. Oh--and thanks for the Crest/Old Spice links!
Received the Hawaiian Tropic After Sun Body Butter sample today--you'll need tools to get the packet out of the mailer--just a heads up!
Received the Hawaiian Tropic After Sun Body Butter sample today--you'll need tools to get the packet out of the mailer--just a heads up!

I also got this yesterday! It was tricky but I didn't even need tools! Just peeled from a corner of the tape over the package! LOL!
Thanks!! I would love to try these. I usually buy special k, but if this tastes just as good and is cheaper, i'll start buying these.