Free Goods from Walmart

The Goodnights are now gone. Wow these
samples freebies go fast! I am waiting for some new
ones to appear.:)
Yes, they do go fast. Now they are no longer taking coupons printed off the internet! I had heard several rumors and found out first hand last night.
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Lea & Perrins® Thick Classic® Worcestershire Sauce and Jack Daniel's® Barbecue Sauce

Lea & Perrins® Thick Classic® Worcestershire Sauce and Jack Daniel's® Barbecue Sauce

copy and paste
Both links giving "internal error" mesages when you complete form....rats!
Try it now. Just went through for me.
I'm getting the "Internal server error" messsage after submitting my addy...
(with the walmart link):mmph:
went thru fine with copy & paste...
went back in to sign up my sister.. all samples gone now message came up..

Thanks, you all...
I use to get these free offers from wal mart but for some reason I no longer can get them, they send me to start sampling site where I can no longer get the items. any help please??
have you tried a different email address ??
are you clicking you will do a survey for them [the bottom of page] ? I always put no...
other than that the only thing I can think of would be state restrictions on samples, but the only ones I know of are on tobacco and alcohol...

anybody else have any ideas???