Free Goods from Walmart

I received this yesterday :claps:

Cascade Complete and Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

2 cascade bubbles and 1 eraser :teeth:
:lock: I thought I had missed entering for the "Cascade Complete and Mr. Clean Magic Eraser" samples but I just got a package for it in the mail today!! *happy dance* Good coupons in there too -- $1.50 off the cascade stuff & 50 cents off magic erasers. This is really one of the best freebies walmart has sent, IMHO. :) I really hope I remembered to send one to my parents & in-laws. I know they'd appreciate it too & my mom would be so excited to get it.

That's sad, isn't it? We get excited about free cleaning supplies. :o
this was a great freebie day!!! Walmart really comes through. Hubby and I each received the toilet paper, and the cascade and magic eraser. Love the coupons , they're off 1 instead of 2.

Walmart Oatmeal Crisp
Walmart Cascade Sample, with a Mr Clean Magic Eraser nside the box