Free Goods from Walmart

I love getting free Walmart samples! They are usually prompt about sending their freebies. I just signed up for the cascade.
Spoke to my sister today! Said the Snackcakes came and she was wondering where they came from! LMAO! IT was I! Her lovely baby sister! LOL LOL :rofl::rofl:
it was the orville popcorn snack a ricecake but made w/ popcorn! they were good..did u get in on em? I loved them ! LOL! LOL!

Thanks for the claification- yes I did. Whew, that was a close one.LOL
Yeah, I got excited when I saw "cheesecake" mentioned (thoughts of The Cheesecake Factory). But anyway, I did receive the OR popcorn cake today--just wish Allure would package their full-size, expensive products as well as WM packages a 50 cent sample.
I got my sample of Orvilles popcorn cakes...i didnt get the caramel:convinced:...i should have:tongue:...the ones i got tasted like old stale popcorn that someone stepped on...yuckkkkk!LOL
I rec'd the kitty food sample (came with a freebie coupon too - for a single-serve 'wet' food by the same company). :D

Also rec'd (another!?) Kotex sample pack. Don't remember signing up for 2, but doesn't hurt to have extras. :)
I got my sample of Orvilles popcorn cakes...i didnt get the caramel:convinced:...i should have:tongue:...the ones i got tasted like old stale popcorn that someone stepped on...yuckkkkk!LOL

Oops I'm sorry. My other foot got stuck in some caramel. LOL
I got my sample of Orvilles popcorn cakes...i didnt get the caramel:convinced:...i should have:tongue:...the ones i got tasted like old stale popcorn that someone stepped on...yuckkkkk!LOL

I got the caramel ones, but they just tasted like old stale caramel popcorn! Actually, those were the good ones.... some were burnt! :noidea: