Free Goods from Walmart

This is a different kind of freebie, but I thought some of you might find it useful. Walmart also has free classifieds. Sort of like craigslist.

You can search by item or city, and you can list something for FREE! :claps:
Interesting...did you guys notice that "England" appears between "Detroit" and "Fort Myers"?
Got the vaseline for men today- NICE size sample
:claps: Received the Nivea natural tone face & body cream sample today. Fairly nice sized sample!! :)
Yes, but I just thought putting a country in with so many cities was weird. And all the others listed were in the US. I guess Wal-Mart has stores in England?

Actually, walmart does have stores in England.
Received Vaseline For Men a few days ago too...
received the benefiber today! Thanks y'all..but sure wish Walmart would change em up more regularly..! Got the vaseline men..signed up for the playtex wipes and playtex tampons, the shamppoo , received the john freida stuff , and also waiting on my card sample.
I guess the samples change on the 1st of the month.:teeth:
I love WM freebies~~~
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