Free Goods from Walmart

YAY! Of all the free stuff I requested, these were the 1st ones to come. Got the caramel fiber one sample (really small sample -- not even a bowl full, and IMHO not that tasty), a little BAN deodorant (travel size), 2 excederin pills, a 3 pack sample of FrizzEase & (not from walmart) a trojan sample. :). They all came on the same day and my husband was like "WTF is all of this??" hehe.
Just ordered the Puparoni for my dogs! Ordered the rib snacks!

Me too. Since I don't have a dog, my sister does, I sent it in her dogs name. She lives in a tiny town, wonder what the postmaster thinks.LOL
If you cant get the Multi-Grain Cheerios link to work copy and paste this link. :)
I saw this on another board after I was having problems clicking on the the link.