Free Cartoon Network 3D Houseparty-*Party Date 10/6*

You beat me to it ellie! I was just logging on to post that!
Cartoon Network 3D House Party package

Got my package this morning already, FedEx dropped it off.
Wow that was fast!!!
It had 1 CD, plates,cups, tattoos,napkins, like 50 3D glasses, a certificate,3 of them hair paints from kids bop party,a coupon from kidzbop party package
did you recieve an acceptance letter or did it just come??
I just got mine too!!!!!! It had plates, napkins, a ton of 3-d glasses, cups, hair paint, fosters home dvd, & tatoos!!!!!!!

I did not get an email that I was picked.
I recieve and email i was accepted, but no email that it was on its way.
But it just showed up, it said on website some hosts might not receive package till next Wednesday, so you's should have them by then.
I'm Glad To See That People Are Getting The Package. I Have Not Got Mine Yet. I Emailed Them Yesterday About It, And Got No Return Email. Did Everyone Get Something From The Kidsbop Party In There Box?? What Is That About??
Torybug, they're probably just trying to get rid of their leftovers.
No box here yet, got accepted for the party though. That's good to see they sent plenty of the 3-d glasses
What a disappointment. The giveaways...tatoo's and 3 little tubes of dried out looking hair paint. That's it! The plates, cups and napkins are just plain. Not even cartoon network. I had to keep from blowing my lid while I opened it w/my son. He kept asking "Where are the giveaways?" Guess I was expecting too much. I told him "It's OK, we'll get our own stuff to give away and we'll have fun anyway!" I'm not even sure if I ever do it again that I'll plan the party until after I receive the stuff.
That's too bad, Cybermom. Sounds like how we felt with the Kidz Bop House Party Kit.

Me, I just want to see the new 3D episode of Foster's Home. :)
Me too! But now my son is so excited to have his little party! Every day he gives me an update about how many days are left! I'll make sure he's not disappointed and we'll have fun anyway. It's just that the way they said "giveaways" and "extras"...which was in addition to the tattoos they had listed, they made it sound like more than 3 little crappy hairpaints and a coupon! Am I wrong?

Still, as my husband pointed was free! And it was a good excuse to have a mini-party!
The first "house party"-style package I received was for the Nancy Drew party. That wasn't through But it was a nice kit, and it came with an Amex gift card to buy refreshments.

I guess that kit spoiled me, because every party kit I've gotten since then has been disappointing. I usually don't even bother planning for the parties anymore. This one is the exception, and that's because we want to play a Foster's Home drinking game.

You guys will still have a blast, Cybermom! The Blooregard Q. Kazoo cupcakes will be a huge hit. :)
Sure Tordy, how would they know if you had one or not?
I was kind of disappointed too with the package, i didn't want to say so and ruin for others. But hairpaint and coupon (it was ripped & crumbled a bit) looked like it went through the wringer and just thrown in the box.
Hey don't get me wrong, it was free. And I'd have been happy with the cd and glasses if that was all they advertised. It didn't stop me from signing up for the Clairol or Scholastic party! I just know better now what to expect and how to go about it! ;)
i singed up for them too. i stell have not got my box. i hope it comes soon. i know they said we should all have them by wed., but i like things