(Expired) Costco - The Secret of Return Policy

I guess the most rediculous return policy used to be Home Depot's....about 4-5yrs ago they would take back junk and give you cash...so much was stolen from their store and returned back to them for cash that they eventually changed their policy and now give out store credits. Their return policy is still pretty darn good...in that its made up on the fly...ever notice that their receipts don't have the policy written on it? Just guess why that is...
jdubner said:
I am one who has returned bananas and thought there was nothing "extreme" about it. It's not like they were "used" or anything. The damned things are picked green; this particular batch never ripened. If I was the type to simply write off the dollar I spent, I wouldn't be the type to frequent the Spoofee site.

Now diapers, on the other hand . . . :-)


joe, that doenst even come close to what i have seen in some clothing departments that are returned.
i used to work for an inventory company during my college days, go on-site stores to count merchandise...

you would be suprised at the number of used clothes people return,
more importantly, the amount of Used Lingerie that were Not Washed.

we hit victoria secret stores and most of the time its "questionable".
there was one store in the middle of downtown that had a whole box of
used underwear that was returned with stains! looking back, that was an
unsafe working condition, even though i had a set of latex gloves. saying it
was disgusting would have been a compliment :(
unripen bananas?

jdubner said:
I am one who has returned bananas and thought there was nothing "extreme" about it. It's not like they were "used" or anything. The damned things are picked green; this particular batch never ripened. If I was the type to simply write off the dollar I spent, I wouldn't be the type to frequent the Spoofee site.

Now diapers, on the other hand . . . :-)

don't see what the problem is with returning diapers..., as long as they're not used diapers, that is.....

very surprising that your bananas didn't ripe eventually..... never failed that every one of them not eaten in time turned not only ripe, but brown, beyond ripe; great for those banana breads!
jdubner said:
I am one who has returned bananas and thought there was nothing "extreme" about it. It's not like they were "used" or anything. The damned things are picked green; this particular batch never ripened.
Certain fruits (like Apples and Bananas)can be placed in paper bags to hasten their ripening process, due to the ethylene gas they produce. :)
i've heard from friends who used to work at costo about people who "abuse" the system. there was a person who returned a half eaten cake, people who return used batteries, and some other weird things that people do...

although i can't complain too much since many of my friends use the 6 month policy on their laptops so they'll never be obsolete.
I was actually in line behind a couple that brought back a bunch of live (well, they were pretty wilty) flowers a couple of days after purchase and got a complete refund. My jaw hit the floor.

I asked the returns clerk why they brought them back and she said they didn't like them.
clubchick said:
i guess the moral is: treat others (including giant wholesale/retail stores) the way you want to be treated.
Clubchick said it perfectly :claps:
It would be a very nice world if everybody in it, including businesses and corporations, follows this advice. We might have disease-free and peaceful world...
I respect Costco for their policy, I am member and go often! plus gotta loves those free samples
My wife worked at Home Depot about 15 years ago. One time someone brought in a chainsaw case and said when they got home they opened the case and it was empty. Her manager told her to give them the refund.

I just bought a Canon Digital Rebel XT at Costco. I had to get the floor model because it was the last one they had. Anywhere else, I would have walked away, but since it's costco, I know I can return it if I'm not completely satisfied. And if they get more in stock, I plan on taking it back and exchanging it for one still in the box.
JET said:
I just bought a Canon Digital Rebel XT at Costco. I had to get the floor model because it was the last one they had. Anywhere else, I would have walked away, but since it's costco, I know I can return it if I'm not completely satisfied. And if they get more in stock, I plan on taking it back and exchanging it for one still in the box.
i know what you mean. i buy almost all of my electronics at costco because of their return policy. as a matter of fact, when i had satellite installed last a couple years back, the installer told me to get my DVD recorder at costco, instead of through his shop, because of costco's policy.
Waxedstrong said:
gotta loves those free samples

no doubt! don't need to buy lunch at the food court, just walk through and try all the free samples for a full meal! mmm... that artichoke/jalapeno dip... taquitos... mini cheeseburgers... now i'm getting hungry :p
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Rockstar said:
without receipt!??! so technically, if i bought my PSP from elsewhere, and i wanted the white one, i could, per say, go to costco and return it?!
Nope. There should be a record for that item's purchase at Costco. If its way over the period, they sometimes do insist on the receipt. Also, Costco Packaging is different from say BestBuy so that also makes the difference.
As others said, this is not something to be abused, its based on trust of the members and should be used only if unavoidable.
druvans said:
Sam's club also has similar return policy
I beg to differ. Sams may take back food items and such that do not usually have a warranty but any items like electronics are covered by the manufacturer's warranty only unless you shell out more money for the coverage. Also, Sam's charges extra for roadside assistance on tires and tire-rotations which is included in costco's price.
For the people who are scared about the secret getting out..........

I talked with a Costco manager one time when I was buying my plasma TV about this policy. He said there is no secret. That is their policy. BUT he also mentioned that they keep records and after too many returns you go into some kinda fraud database. I am not for sure if there is a mass database out there floating around or if he was just referring to your name getting on a Costco blacklist.
Actually, the return policy has gotten more generous thoughout the years. It used to be that you needed to have a recipt and the return had to be within a 30 day period. But in the early 90's they slowly began to relax the policy.

I remember a number of occasion when I would see people returning dead rose bushes after 3 months that mysteriously didn't florish in their yards.

It's interesting to see some posts say that "costco is not customer focused anymore." I actually believe that not to be true. When I first started working there in 1988, if you couldn't physically left something and get it on the cart and out to your car, you weren't going to be buying it. The policy was strictly CASH and CARRY. Plus back then you couldn't get a membership unless you belonged to a specific credit union or a school district; membership was very limited, until they realized what a boon that money was.

And about the pay rate, I believe in California, topped out cashiers make just under $20 an hour and time and a half on Sundays. I can attest, the bennies are real good too at least they were years ago when I worked there.

Anyway, my point is, the return policy is very liberal.
sambryan said:
For the people who are scared about the secret getting out..........

I talked with a Costco manager one time when I was buying my plasma TV about this policy. He said there is no secret. That is their policy. BUT he also mentioned that they keep records and after too many returns you go into some kinda fraud database. I am not for sure if there is a mass database out there floating around or if he was just referring to your name getting on a Costco blacklist.
You have a membership card which has a number. That number is use across every costco store to track everything you purchase....and return. Every store can look up who you are up at the membership desk and if they think you are abusing the return policy, they flag your account. Or at least that's how it was done in some of the stores I worked at.
aerocha said:
You have a membership card which has a number. That number is use across every costco store to track everything you purchase....and return. Every store can look up who you are up at the membership desk and if they think you are abusing the return policy, they flag your account. Or at least that's how it was done in some of the stores I worked at.

not so. i've returned things w/o receipt and they wouldn't give me cash back, only a cashcard because they don't track every purchase made with your specific account.
druvans said:
Sam's club also has similar return policy

Sam's has a 200% guaranty on all fresh items (meat, fruit, etc.) and they will refund your membership at anytime for any reason.
yeah, I love systems like costco, my store works really similar, and we have people returning stuff older then me. but what really ticks me off is when somone comes in and buys a whole set of say camping gear, and comes back after the weekend to return it all used because "he didnt like it".

I think a good rule on the subject is "if you have to lie for them to take it back, you probably shouldnt return it"
