10 Things You Should Not Buy New

Half.com requires the seller to list the condition of the book and from my experience it's been very accurate. If you search for a book, the results can be sorted by condition. Half.com is owned by ebay and the feedback is tied into ebay feedback, so most people are going to be honest. For example, I just bought a paperback novel for $1 plus shipping. The description was used and with a used bookstore imprint inside front cover. Other than the imprint, the book could have easily passed for brand new.

I never buy paperbacks. Plus, It's pointless to buy them used online because by the time you pay for shipping, you're almost paying full price for it. I know half.com is part of ebay but haven't had much luck in finding the books that I want.

I also have a hook-up with this local book seller that sells hardcovers to me for $2 each. She has a bookstand at the flea market near my house and I'm able to trade 2 books for 1. Can't beat that. And, her books are in tip-top shape.
You shouldn't buy sofas used either and here's why:

There has been a rise in bed bugs cases over the past years due to a ban on a pesticide that killed them. Many people sleep on their couches, so the couches can also be infested with bed bugs.
I never buy paperbacks. Plus, It's pointless to buy them used online because by the time you pay for shipping, you're almost paying full price for it. I know half.com is part of ebay but haven't had much luck in finding the books that I want.

I bought this one because I couldn't find the hardcover. Plus, it was for my gf and she likes to read on her breaks at work, so it's easier to tote along a paperback.
If youre suggesting that bed bugs will only nest somewhere once you bgin sleeping on it, I think youre quite mistaken.
I still cannot believe when it when people buy new cars today. Really it boggles my mind.

I take offense at this. I graduated from college about a year and half ago. After working hard for about a year, I was finally able to afford my own car, paid in full, a brand new Toyota Corolla. And I plan on driving it up to a full decade. Even though my car is definitely not high-end, I felt like it was something I deserved. I am proud of my car. I wouldn't feel the same about a used car.

Besides, someone's GOTTA buy new cars so that they can become used for the rest of the masses :tongue:
If youre suggesting that bed bugs will only nest somewhere once you bgin sleeping on it, I think youre quite mistaken.

Well, I don't know about nesting, but I know they can live inside of all kinds of weird places. They seem to like the sofas and beds most though.
I only buy new cars, and I don't care what anyone says....It is for status. And, clearly, I agree that the word car and the word investment should not be used in the same sentence, unless you're planning to sell your 2006 BMW as an antique 60 years from now. :car:
My dad bought a Prowler for that reason.. They dont make them anymore and if he keeps it for 10-15 years, there will probably be only a few that are in mint, all original condition at which time he may be able to turn a tidy little profit..
I have only purchased new vehicles. If you can get the "employee" discounts those discounts usually amount to the depreciation you lose by driving it off the lot. Plus you get the satisfaction of knowing that all the maintenance that needs to be done has been done and on schedule.
I buy new vehicles, but I don't trade vehicles. All of my cars go to the junkyard, either from age (10+ years), mileage (250,000 or more), or my wife totaled it.
I buy new vehicles, but I don't trade vehicles. All of my cars go to the junkyard, either from age (10+ years), mileage (250,000 or more), or my wife totaled it.

hope your wife is ok ;)
She has been so far.
Apparently she exudes an aura of "RUN INTO ME AND TOTAL MY VEHICLE"
No personal injury, just twisted metal.
If it's a book I want to read on the bed or sometimes use it as a pillow, I wouldn't want to buy it used because you'll never know what lurks behind the every corner of ever page: a digusting surprised left by the previous owner. Buy her book new and buy it used from others?? I don't know if she's greedy or hypocritical, but I know I'm not going to buy her book used nor new.

Jewelry like earrings, even though there are cleaning agents, are articles I won't buy used. Used kids toy is a "no-no" too. Like matresses, used kids toys are spawing places for bacteria. I rather buy it new than risk paying for possible medical bills and God forbid, a kid's life.

I usually buy games and dvds when the demand and hype are down (6 months to 1.5 years). Most movies are on TV, but TV box sets, like House (!!!), are some things I can't wait!

Everything here in the article is "common sense". Don't buy things people had worn. Don't buy protective gear. Buy depreciable expensed goods. Use your best judgement and logic. :bigok:
Guess I shouldnt have purchased that jock strap at that garage sale...
its pretty scary that most of this stuff isnt common sense.

a car - who would have thought?? If everyone doesnt know this well uh...

I disagree strongly with some stuff tho.

Dvds can be a crapshoot, sometimes they are scratched and sometimes not - same with video games.

I dont think id ever buy my girlfriend used jewlery.

Hand tools sure, but used power tools no way, theyve all been beat to crap unless you find one thats been rarely used.
I've bought used jewelry.. My girlfriend and I both went to a pawn shop here that specializes in jewelery and we picked out a really nice ring that wouldve probably cost close to $1000 retail, and got it for $350. Told the guy that we'd go have it appraised and that we'd be back if it wasnt kosher.

As long as youre honest about it and dont lead her to believe any flasehood about the origin of said jewelry, who cares where it came from, or who owned it before. Now, I wouldnt probably do that for an engagement ring though. But if the girl was game, why not. I mean, why not save 40-50% off retail? Its still a beautiful ring, and you can get a nicer one than you could afford at the retail store.
As a guy who just bought a new car, I sure wish I'd read this before!!! I had no idea a new car lost value faster than a used one!

Seriously, people that buy new cars aren't just dolts that have no clue about finance. There is some value about knowing exactly what the car's been through (nothing), having that new car smell, getting the full warranty, etc. I realized that I was losing probably 3K after driving off the lot and it will probably cost me (in interest, tax, and depreciation) about $15K after 4 years, but I'm still glad I bought the car new. And, I'll probably drive the car for around 10 years knowing where it's been its whole life :)