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  • :cry: I don't know what happened to everyone, :creep: Even old faithful Madonna is gone :sad:
    I guess :listen: not everybody is happy with the change around here :nonod: not seeing the rep points takes most of the fun out of the game.

    I got pushed today over the edge :party: from Bird :cheers:
    :eek: I was hoping to push you :sad: I'm glad that I made it easier for you to get there :wink:

    I'm soooooo close :faint: 99957896
    It will be alot of fun, my bro and 3 other friends are headed out Thurs. morning, we are mostly fishing for walleye and rainbow trout.:):cheers:
    Thanks for the hug and the well wishes, all is well with me, but have been worried about a friend,and I am gonna drop off the grid from the 11th thru the 14th
    so dont worry, just going on a fishing trip to the central part of the state, that photo on my homepage is one of the lakes i will :fish2::whoo:, but I will resume my hugging duties when I get back:) Have Fun :thumb:
    yeah it was my first one..was easy..when i first got the thing it scared me 1/2 to death! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: it pulsed! LOL! and vibrated! LOL! anywhoo it was my first one!
    The Bird set up a thread for you!!! You are very welcome!!! TOOT!! TOOT!!!:clap::yesnod::boogy:
    Hello how are you doing? Hugs are getting hard to come by now:)Worth lots of points now though
    :woot: congrats on the getting my :hugs: I don't think half of them worked today :motz:
    I'm a little :sick:, but it's alright :yesnod: I can overcome :first:
    I'm not sneezing anymore with fear of loosing my load in public :faint:
    Glad you're much better :teeth: I fighting with my nose to get back to normal :rant:
    Re the iPod, I did find out that someone had entered me. There is a person who knows I'm not up early, so anything at 10 AM--she enters me! Isn't that nice of her? I just found out how to access the little rep messages today, so I hadn't seen your question until now.
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