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  • :noidea: I'm right here, silly :loco:

    Sorry I'm not around much - can't stand all the beitchen and the biotches around here :rant:

    How are you doing:questionmark:

    I didn't eat any snakes yet:ack: I think they are hiding out here :spy:
    Hi Tutz! :tee: I've met other people who work in Manhattan but live elsewhere, & they say that they don't spend a lot of time in the city other than for work. After work, they hop on the train and go home.

    The only way I get Junior's cheesecake is by ordering it from QVC...then I end up with a whole cheesecake instead of a slice :teeth:. I don't know where the Bagel Cafe that I used to go to is since they moved locations. But I remember the cheesecake they had was so rich and creamy, tho now they might not even sell the same recipe of cheesecake. So Junior's is a safe bet always! I've been to see Letterman a bunch of times in the past, but it's so much harder to get tickets now.

    Good thing they're taking care of the issue with West Nile virus. It stinks that West Nile was found where you are.
    hi tutz, how you been?? thank you for the rep and hug, i've been MIA for a while, been dealing with depression and family issues. the only thing keeping me going is entering for sweepstakes and giveaways. i hope this august allure is better than last and the year before that but for some reason i dont believe it, haha. :hugs:
    I'm ok. Still on the ibuprofen. Felt pretty good the past few days. I have my new presciption ready to start...just don't want to start it. :lol: I think I'm going to try acupuncture first...and empty the last of our bank savings! :rofl:
    Like you, I didn't bother entering for bobby pins or a bar of soap...just wasn't worth my time either. I'll keep my fingers crossed for us both to win something good this year.

    How do you like living in NY? Do you get to visit NYC?...I love the city, tho I haven't been back there in about 8 years (I used to visit about 1X-2X per year)...there's never a dull moment in NYC that's for sure. I miss NY cheesecake...there used to be a Bagel Cafe next to the Ed Sullivan Theater that had the best cheesecake I've ever tasted, except for Junior's cheesecake :yesnod:.
    Boone & Bandit sound really nice, and it must be fun to have two kitties.

    How's summer treating you?

    Allure...my "mouse entry" finger is starting to have a mind of its own! Twice today I accidentally clicked submit before the top of the hour; I don't know if this DQ's me or not. I just hope that we win some good stuff for all our effort. Are you losing your mind yet with Allure? :teeth:
    I pop 800 mg of ibuprofen a few times a day, and it does help, but I don't want to use it day in day out...that'd be all I need - an ulcer! I was on prednisone for 5 1/2 months, which helped...but that's not a good option long-term either. I also went on methotrexate injections, but that quickly ended with shortness of breath back in the winter! :rofl: I am planning on Plaquenil...not a whole lot of people react to it...cross your fingers I don't either! Acupuncture is up there on my list too...although I am dreading paying for that. I think I saw the first session is $90, and $50 thereafter...and they want you there more than once a week for chronic pain (in the beginning anyway). I'm going to pull my pink hair out! Thanks for your concern and huggies!
    It's some sort of arthritis...not sure. I've been chasing it for over a year now. I'm going to see if they'll aspirate it. Oh, it hurts to type allright. I've learned to use my other fingers. Maybe I should type with my toes!!
    Your breeder did an excellent job posing your kitties...so purrfect! I've known three people who had Siamese cats, and all of their cats were extremely friendly and talkative :blabla:...definitely traits of this breed. I'd love to get a Ragdoll, but I may adopt from a shelter...it doesn't matter what breed as long as the cat is sweet and friendly and playful and chooses me (if you know what I mean). :yesnod:
    good morning. :) my pink hair doesn't look pink anymore. huh? sometimes I don't understand myself. no, things not going well. bad night/day. I watched as my finger joint swelled to double its normal size. hurts to type. :( waiting on a doc to call me and have to work at a computer tonight, typing for 6 hours. not looking forward to it. I'm gonna go cry now. hope you are doing well, dearest tutz! :hugs:
    The profile pic of your kitties looks so good that it could be in a cat calendar...I'm serious! That is a great photo. Wow, I've never had a cat live to be 21-1/2...that's amazing. I think we never stop missing our pets that have passed on. They each have a special place in our hearts forever. Have a great week, Tutz! :hugs:
    Tutz...you called me SOC, and it took me a few seconds for the light bulb to go off in my head :boink:...lmao! You're so funny! I LOVE cats, but right now I don't have one, believe it or not. My beautiful cat lost her battle with cancer a few years ago, and then I thought I'd wait a bit to get another cat, since she was soooo special to me that I couldn't imagine replacing her. I will adopt a cat in the near future...this is the only time in my life that I haven't had a cat. How many kitties own you? :yesnod:
    Thanks for the rep tutz.I think you are pretty nice too.
    I can't believe it was my OB-GYN who pointed this out! :faint: She asked the nurse for a hand mirror, and I'm thinking she just needs to see something better. :blushing: :yikes: But it was for my hair! :pound:
    Good morning, hon :flowers: Thanks for the :hugs: To answer your question about the heat, we felt 106 yesterday:faint: Hope you're able to stay cool:yesnod: I also hope you have an awesome weekend! :) :hugs:
    Tutz I am coming to your house for Harvest time!! Everything sounds so delicious! Nice score on the extra plants~my only live plant order with Burpee resulted in everyting arriving to me dead and they claimed they didn't have stock to replace it ~so refund and no cool and unusual (heirloom) plants. Stayed local after that!

    Potatoes are classic white because I couldn't find the seed potatoes in other colors. i know you can seed from just potatoes but from what I read the seeds are treated to deter fungus, rot, etc.. They are growing like weeds!! In a container~you've got to try it! You creat your own "room" if the garden is crowded.

    Man, you are going to be canning tomatoes until the cows come home with that much stock!

    Keep up the good work:clap:
    Hey Tutz! How is life treating you? Is your garden in and under way? No tomatoes for me this year but I did plant strawberries, beans, carrots, cucumbers, peppers and get this--potatoes!! SO far so good~they are growing gangbusters. I am trying them in a "containter"...a huuuge container!:lol:

    Our New England weather is truly all over the place lately~90's and humid in May and now in June very chilly and rainy. Lotsa wind also which dries things out rather quickly...including me!

    Counting down the last days of school for the little one and looking forward to a break from all the activities that come with the school year:wink:

    Hope life is bright and shiny and happy...and your garden growing a mile high:clap:
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