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  • :clap::yesnod::boogy:Hey!!! I didn't know you were on vacation!! I hope you had a wonderful time!! I just thought you would get a thrill out of seeing the thread. :lol:Its still alive and well:yesnod: :pound:
    :cheer2:Hi TOOTS!!! guess what? I found the cocktail thread, it is still open!!!:boogy:
    You are so right about what you said about Becky, she was with you for a long time and nothing could ever replace all that time that you had together.

    B & B sure are adorable :cat:

    I hope that you are having a nice weekend :teeth:

    It's happy hour here :cocktail:
    :rofl: Thanks for clearing that up :lol:

    It's a cockatiel :trytofly: His name was Oliver :hugs:

    He was my baby for just over 25 years, he :cry: died last month :sad:

    I got a new bird 2 weeks ago, a Parrotlet......he's mean :nonod:
    :cheer2: Hi there Tutz! :woot:

    Can you refresh me on the budgie picture:questionmark:

    I think it sucks what's become of this place, the fighting I can find else where - I don't like to come here for that. :rant:

    :smiley: I'm glad you are keeping your head up and hanging in there :teeth:

    How are things going with you:questionmark:
    :wave: Hi there tutz! I thought I heard something :listen: I'm glad to you hear that you are buzzin :rofl:

    I'm not around much :nonod: I stop in every now and then to :hugs: and do the point and prizes :yesnod:

    Not much here interests me anymore :zzz: it seems like a lot of the people I liked have left :sad:
    TOOTS!!! TOOTS!!! Have a hot toddy on me!!! :cocktail::cocktail::cocktail::boogy:
    Hi tutz! :wavey: You give the most amazing :hugs: Thank you! :) I :prey: you get to feeling better real soon! :yesnod:

    ah, ate too much again. sorry about that.

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